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Worth, Bøker, Intuisjon & selvutvikling, An Inspiring True Story of Abandonment, Exile, Inner Strength and Belonging
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An Inspiring True Story of Abandonment, Exile, Inner Strength and Belonging

This powerful memoir of overcoming abandonment, discrimination and adversity will inspire you to find strength from within, nurture your self-worth and shape your own destiny.

Bharti Dhir faced many challenges in her childhood that could have broken her. As a baby, she was abandoned at a bus stop in Uganda before being adopted by Punjabi-Sikh parents. Growing up as a biracial, female child and a refugee, she experienced an insidious chain of racism and sexism in her community. She remembers the horrific moment in 1972 when Idi Amin expelled Asians from Uganda, and her adoptive mother refused, at gunpoint, to abandon Bharti as they fled the country. From these experiences, she learnt to gather strength from within and fight for her worth and true purpose.

Throughout her struggles, Bharti retained faith in a divine power within all of us, an unseen force that gives us strength, protects us and loves us unconditionally. When she developed an incurable skin condition, and then lupus that nearly killed her at 15 years old, she managed to find her own path through the fear and prejudice. Years later, now living in the UK and qualified as a social worker, Bharti adopted a daughter of her own and found her true purpose. In Worth, she encourages us to reach within ourselves and embark on a journey to find our own resilience, strength and self-worth.

In this sometimes heart-wrenching memoir, an uplifting message shines through: Bharti reminds us that we're all worthy, no matter who we are or what we've experienced, and that we can lead a full, joyous life, no matter what it throws at us.
Kr 199,00 NOK
Lev. Prodnr: 9781788174855 - Id: 1950037766