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TRUE POWER OF WATER, Bøker, Alternativ vitenskap & kosmologi, Healing and Discovering Ourselves
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Healing and Discovering Ourselves

This follow up to Dr Emoto’s international bestseller, The Hidden Messages in Water, is the result of his latest scientific research into the healing properties of water. Building upon his previous work, which proved that water and water molecules are affected by our thoughts, words and emotions, in THE TRUE POWER OF WATER, Dr Emoto makes the case that water literally holds the key to good health and shows how we can interact with it with our thoughts, intentions and prayer to reverse illness.

Accompanied by numerous compelling photographs showing that water crystals are transformed according to the positive and negative thoughts they are exposed to, this book provides practical steps that anyone can use to improve their own well-being by learning how to consciously interact with water, the primary component of our bodies. Also discussed is Dr Emoto’s research into the effects of prayer to purify rain water, helping to bring healing to the earth, as well as the mechanistic limitations of Western medicine and its understanding of both healing and disease. No one who reads Dr Emoto’s works will ever take water for granted again.
Kr 179,00 NOK
Lev. Prodnr: - Id: 1950039460