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Miracles now, Bøker, Intuisjon & selvutvikling
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Miracles now

Miracles Now by New York Times bestselling author Gabrielle Bernstein will help readers clear stress and find peace - even if they only have a minute to spare. Bernstein knows that most of
us don't have time for an hour of yoga or 30 minutes of meditation to dissolve our anxiety, so she has hand-picked 108 techniques to combat our most common problems - from fear and
anxiety to burnout and fatigue. Inspired by some of the greatest spiritual teachings, Bernstein offers up spirit-based principles, meditations and practical, do-them-in-the-moment tools to help
readers burst through blocks to live with more ease. She breaks down each technique Spirit Junkie style-with meditations, assessment questions, and step-by-step guidance-while
incorporating lessons from A Course in Miracles. As readers benefit from the techniques they'll be able to share them. Each Miracle Message will end with the hashtag #108Miracles, perfect
for sharing across all social media platforms!
Kr 279,00 NOK
Lev. Prodnr: 9781781802533 - Id: 1950035477