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Vast Beauty
Trykk for å zoome og hold nede for å navigere

Vast Beauty


Hope, wisdom, insight and inspiration.

Where does portry come from? The world is magical or the world is mundane depending on the eyes you have to see.

Vast Beauty is a collection of poems and images: haiku, micropoetry and long format. They are inspired by synchronous street art, the cycles of nature, everyday wonder & the
eyes and ecstasy of contaplative practice.

If you have ever been humbles by the vast beauty of the infinite...
If the golden sunlight has moved you to tears...
If you have found street art that fit the moment just right...
If youve felt one with the dancing ocean of humanity...

This book is for you.
Kr 299,00 NOK
Lev. Prodnr: - Id: 1950039979