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attraksjon av penger, velstand, suksess, lykke, manifestasjon, lov om tiltrekning, økonomisk forbedring, affirmasjoner, positiv tenkning, 21 dagers serie
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21 Days to Become a Money Magnet

Attract Wealth, Find Abundance, and Take Control of Your Finances

This... is written brilliantly and the exercises made me discover some of my problems I had with money that I didn't know. I now see money in a different way and have seen brilliant results.'

It takes just 21 days to establish a new habit. Discover practical tools to attract prosperity, success and happiness into your life and find your breakthrough moment in money management.

Whether you're looking for an immediate improvement in your finances or a sustained way of becoming wealthy, this book will help make attracting money fun, easy and fast! Over 21 days you will learn:

- how to start attracting more money into your life immediately with principles from the Law of Attraction
- exercises to help you change your negative money beliefs into positive statements
- how to create your own ‘I Attract Money’ list and affirmations for becoming a Money Magnet
- how to break the pattern of negative thinking to make room for attracting wealth

If there's a skill you've always wanted to learn, the answer is only a few weeks away with Hay House's 21 Days Series.
Kr 249,00 NOK
Lev. Prodnr: - Id: 1950039725