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healing, nåde, transformasjon, spirituell vekst, medisinsk intuisjon, personlig utvikling, mystiske prinsipper, helbredelse, selvutvikling, livsveiledning
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A Time for Grace

Sacred Guidance for Everyday Life

New York Times bestselling author Caroline Myss investigates the mystical phenomenon of healing and the presence of grace in every life.

What is grace? How does grace work? For decades, readers and students have turned to medical intuitive Caroline Myss for answers to these essential questions. In these pages, she takes readers on a transformative journey to investigate the ‘holy authority’ of grace and find tools to heal themselves and their lives.

Inspired by ordinary people who overcame a wide array of physical and psychological ailments, Caroline dove into the works of the great mystics to gain a deeper understanding of healing's spiritual underpinnings. Using what she discovered, she invites us into an intimate and healing engagement with the soul, which we experience through exploring our seven shadow passions, building an empowered inner self around our seven inherent graces, and learning how to work with the mystical laws that govern our true selves.

With this knowledge, you can break through the boundaries of ordinary reason, heal from illness, heartbreak and pain, learn to live fearlessly and start to discern the guidance of grace in every moment of your life. (Originally published as Defy Gravity.)
Kr 299,00 NOK
Lev. Prodnr: - Id: 1950039710