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Listening in the Dark, Bøker, Intuisjon & selvutvikling, Women Reclaiming the Power of Intuition
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Listening in the Dark

Women Reclaiming the Power of Intuition

Edited by author, actress, and activist Amber Tamblyn, an anthology on women’s intuition, written by some of today’s most influential and diverse women-identifying and nonbinary voices including Amy Poehler, Samantha Irby, Jia Tolentino, Jessica Valenti, Lidia Yuknavitch, US Poet Laureate Ada Limon, America Ferrera, Congresswoman Ayanna Pressley, and others.

Have you ever had a feeling about something, that you just couldn’t explain? Something that was telling you in your gut, what decision to make, which direction to go in, or what to believe. Most women are taught from an early age to ignore their intuition in favor of making logical, evidence-based decisions. But what if that small voice or deeper knowing was your greatest power?

In a time when women are revolutionizing politics, entertainment, healthcare, and other industries, it’s critical to reclaim intuition as a vital and sustainable tool. LISTENING IN THE DARK is a compilation of some of the most striking women visionaries in literature, science, art, education, medicine, and politics to share their insights and reflections on learning how to follow their own gut reactions in pivotal, crossroad moments.

Dr. Dara Kass shares how she uses her intuition to know how best to triage patients in the Emergency Room. Jia Tolentino shares how her intuition guided her to motherhood. Samantha Irby explores the power of intuition in romantic relationships. Through the kaleidoscope of these women’s experiences, readers will better understand what intuition is, what it feels like, looks like, behaves like, so that they can better connect with their own inner wisdom. Amber also offers some prescriptive advice on how readers can better listen to their intuition.

Filled with deeply personal and revelatory stories by some of today’s greatest minds, LISTENING IN THE DARK, will empower readers to reconnect with their intuition as a precious resource in becoming their best selves.
Kr 319,00 NOK
Lev. Prodnr: - Id: 1950039389