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Simply Living Well - Innbundet, Bøker, Healing, meditasjon & helse, A guide to creating a natural, low-waste home
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Simply Living Well - Innbundet

A guide to creating a natural, low-waste home

Simply Living Well is a beautiful guide to living well, sustainably. With step-by-step guidelines, gorgeous photography, and easy, comprehensive recipes for everyday use, Simple Living Well is about reducing our footprint for the generations to come.

Author Julia Watkins, of the popular Instagram account, shares rituals, recipes, and projects for living sustainably, inspired by both wisdom rooted in traditional cultures and her own grandparents.

Simply Living Well covers every area of your household – kitchen, cleaning, wellness, bath, and garden, showing you how to eliminate wasteful packaging, harmful ingredients, and disposable items. Practical checklists outline easy swaps (instead of disposable sponges, opt for biodegradable sponges or Swedish dishcloths; choose a bamboo toothbrush over a plastic one) and sustainable upgrades for common household tools and products. Projects include scrap apple cider vinegar, wool dryer balls, kitchen bowl covers and cloth produce bags, non-toxic dryer sheets, all-purpose citrus cleaner, herbal tinctures and balms, and more, plus recipes for package-free essentials like homemade nut milk, hummus, ketchup, salad dressings, and veggie stock.

With a clean, inviting aesthetic, Simply Living Well invites you to transform your daily life to move away from harsh chemicals, plastics and wasteful practices. Live simply – well.
Kr 349,00 NOK
Lev. Prodnr: HG1038 - Id: 1950038380