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The Wisdom Wheel, Bøker, Urkulturer,sjamanisme & mystikk, AMythic Journey through the Four Directions
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The Wisdom Wheel

AMythic Journey through the Four Directions

Internationally renowned shamanic teacher and bestselling author Alberto Villoldo presents a brand new, insightful guide to the shamanic teachings of the Andean medicine wheel.

The teachings of the Medicine Wheel have existed from the beginning of time. Today, however, we are creating new paradigms of shamanism while utilising the momentum of the past.

In this book, Alberto Villoldo draws upon his 40 years of experience working with indigenous healers and teachers to offer a guide to understanding the shamanic teachings of the Andean medicine wheel.
Kr 299,00 NOK
Lev. Prodnr: - Id: 1950038973