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Gjenoppdag, indre magi, forstå, symbolske språk, Intuwitchin, intuisjon, rituelle praksiser, tolke, tegn, symboler.v
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The Highest Level of Enlightenment

Transcend the Levels of Consciousness for Total Self-Realization

Advance your level of consciousness and your understanding of human behaviour, just by learning the map of consciousness.

After conducting a 29-year study that demonstrated that the human body becomes stronger or weaker depending on a person's mental state, Dr Hawkins created a scale from 1 to 1,000 that mapped human consciousness. He then proved this map can be used as a blueprint to reach higher states of consciousness that can be identified simply by applying a small amount of pressure on an outstretched arm!

In this book, you’ll learn how to:

· Detect the exact point in any complex system where the least effort brings about the greatest result.
· Understand the power of a simple attitude adjustment as well as the consequences of various emotional states.
· Heal yourself of illness or addiction by reaching the state of consciousness in which it vanishes.
And much more.

This ‘map of consciousness’ now makes it possible for anyone to advance toward higher levels of enlightenment faster than ever imagined!
Kr 249,00 NOK
Lev. Prodnr: - Id: 1950039706