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The Four Insights, Bøker, Urkulturer,sjamanisme & mystikk, Wisdom, Power and Grace of the Earthkeepers
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The Four Insights

Wisdom, Power and Grace of the Earthkeepers

Included in this book are the wisdom teachings that have been protected by secret societies of Eartkeepers, the medicine men and women of the Americas. The four insights state that all of creation- humans, whales, and even stars- is made from light manifested through the power of intention. The Earthkeepers used the insights to heal disease, eliminate emotional suffering, and even grow new bodies that age and heal differently.

The first insight teaches you how to shed the emotional wounds from your past in the same way that a snake sheds her skin: all at once. It teaches you that you aren't your story or your history, but the hero of your own life. The second insight instructs you how to move beyond fear and anger to live and practice grace. The third insight shows you how to step outside of time and into infinity, to fix things before they're born and to heal destiny. And the fourth insight details how to dream the world into being by waking up from the cultural trance that you've been educated into in order to create joy, abundance, and meaning in your life.
Kr 249,00 NOK
Lev. Prodnr: 9781401910464 - Id: 104914