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Past Lives
Discover and Connect with Your Past Lives to Create Positive Change
Past Lives: Discover and Connect With Your Past Lives to Create Positive Change introduces the idea that we have multiple lifetimes, explores how they can connect to each other, and offers techniques to help you experience the incredible healing and growth that they can offer you.
Learn about:
- How regression works
- The secret clues to your past lives that show up in this life
- Astonishing cases of children's past life memories
- Common triggers for past life memories
- How the body holds past life memories
- How to find your own past lives
- The benefits of past life awareness
- Special messages that can come through during a regression ... and much more!
Learn about:
- How regression works
- The secret clues to your past lives that show up in this life
- Astonishing cases of children's past life memories
- Common triggers for past life memories
- How the body holds past life memories
- How to find your own past lives
- The benefits of past life awareness
- Special messages that can come through during a regression ... and much more!
Kr 199,00 NOK