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Morgan Greer - In a tin
This uniquely expressive deck features magical imagery presented in deep, saturated colors.
The borderless 78-card deck allows the details of tarot scenery and symbolism to be viewed from a close, intimate perspective.
Morgan-Greer Tarot draws the reader into its evocative artwork. When laid out in a spread, the borderless cards create a beautiful picture.
Cards in this pocket-sized deck measure ca 5 x 9 cm.
The borderless 78-card deck allows the details of tarot scenery and symbolism to be viewed from a close, intimate perspective.
Morgan-Greer Tarot draws the reader into its evocative artwork. When laid out in a spread, the borderless cards create a beautiful picture.
Cards in this pocket-sized deck measure ca 5 x 9 cm.
Kr 359,00 NOK