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Llewellyn's Little Book of Herbs, Bøker, Healing, meditasjon & helse
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Llewellyn's Little Book of Herbs

Featuring recipes, helpful exercises, practical gardening tips, stories, and advice for creating herbal medicines, this fun, hardcover book is an ideal resource for gardeners and aspiring herbalists. Discover the secrets of planting and growing herbs, identifying the best ones for your goals, and more.

Drawing from twenty-six years of experience, herbalist Holly Bellebuono presents a refreshing approach to learning about and using these versatile plants. You'll find lists of herbs suitable for beginners, unusual yet noteworthy herbs, wild herbs to allow to grow, and herbs to avoid planting. This convenient book shows you the wonders of herb use from beginning to end—from seeds and stalks to teas and salves.
Kr 219,00 NOK
Lev. Prodnr: - Id: 1950038252