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Let's Talk About Loneliness
The Search for Connection in a Lonely World
The definitive book on loneliness. Build meaningful relationships with those that matter most, establish new bonds and create the genuine connections we all crave.
As human beings our brains are wired for connection. The feelings of disconnectedness people are facing today – isolation within our families, digital addiction, emotional trauma – hold worrying consequences for our mental wellbeing. But it doesn’t have to be this way.
In this compelling guide human connection expert Simone Heng walks you through the meaning of human connection as it relates to every aspect of life. You will learn how to:
· forge genuine relationships that keep you socially fulfilled
· understand the way you connect with others
· discover ways to connect with the people already in your life
With practical guidance and lived wisdom Simone Heng shows you the actionable steps you can take to nurture authentic relationships, establish deeper connections and improve your general wellbeing.
This essential guide to navigating human connection in our modern world will guide you toward welcoming love, affection and true community back into your life.
Kr 249,00 NOK