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Kahlil Gibran`s Little Book Of Love

A beautiful, thematic approach to the work of Kahlil Gibran

Kahlil Gibran’s aphorisms, stories and poetry on a theme remain among some of those best known to Western readers. His views, however, extend beyond the most-quoted “greeting card” sayings to a wide realm of human emotions and relationships – passion, desire, idealised love, justice, friendship and the challenges of dealing with strangers, neighbours and enemies. This little book captures love and life in all of their complexities and nuances.

This little volume includes over 90 selections from Gibran’s writings and is divided into four sections:

1. Love’s Initiation
2. The Veils of Love
3. All of Our Relationships
4. A Love Beyond

This book, ideal for all gift-giving occasions, is informative, illuminating and inspirational.

“Whom Do We Love?
When I stood, a clear mirror before you,
you gazed into me and saw your image.
Then you said, “I love you.”
But in truth you loved yourself in me.
Love is the veil between lover and lover
Kr 249,00 NOK
Lev. Prodnr: - Id: 1950039473