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Findhorn - Prosperity 30 ml
Manifest your dreams and goals – succeed and prosper
+ attract greater prosperity and abundance into your life
+ believe in yourself and achieve your goals
+ shape your future by the positive intentions you hold
- feeling a lack of abundance and self-fulfilment
- self-limiting beliefs and insecurities
- stressed and worried about your financial position
Prosperity is made by combining flower essences of Bell Heather, Cabbage, Elder, Harebell, Laurel, Rose Alba and Sea Rocket.Also available Prosperity Spray Mist
Manifest your dreams and goals – succeed and prosper
+ attract greater prosperity and abundance into your life
+ believe in yourself and achieve your goals
+ shape your future by the positive intentions you hold
- feeling a lack of abundance and self-fulfilment
- self-limiting beliefs and insecurities
- stressed and worried about your financial position
Prosperity is made by combining flower essences of Bell Heather, Cabbage, Elder, Harebell, Laurel, Rose Alba and Sea Rocket.Also available Prosperity Spray Mist
Kr 299,00 NOK