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Ecstatic Witchcraft

Magic, Philosophy, & Trance in the Shamanic Craft

Embrace the Shamanic Path and tap into the powers of the Otherworld

Ecstatic Witchcraft by Fio Gede Parma will take you on a magical journey into the Otherworlds, the places where spirits and gods reside. Come along and learn new, ecstatic ways of entering trance, how to move between worlds, and use spells that will bring change into your life.
Ecstatic Witchcraft shows the witch how to journey deep into the Otherworlds and strengthen your connection to the gods and spirit allies. In this highly engaging book, you will be shown how to draw down and aspect the old gods, methods of entering trance, how to move between this world and the Otherworld, improve your seership and divinatory skills, and create effective ecstatic spellwork that will help you create magical change in your life and the world around you. This book offers so much more than simple spellcraft. It truly teaches you how to discover the ecstasy of Witchcraft.
Kr 339,00 NOK
Lev. Prodnr: - Id: 1950040273