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Advice not Given
A guide to getting over yourself
Our ego, and its accompanying sense of self-doubt, is one affliction we all share.
And while our ego claims to have our best interests at heart, in its never-ending pursuit of attention and power, it sabotages the very goals it sets to achieve.
In Advice Not Given, renowned psychiatrist and author Dr Mark Epstein reveals how Buddhism and Western psychotherapy
both identify the ego as the limiting factor in our wellbeing and both come to the same conclusion: when we give the ego free rein, we suffer; but when it learns to let go, we are free.
Our ego is at once our biggest obstacle and our greatest hope.
We can be at its mercy or we can learn to mould it.
Completely unique and practical, Epstein's advice can be used by all, and will provide wise counsel in a confusing world.
Kr 299,00 NOK