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The Goddess Revolution
If you've ever struggled with diets, food, body image or your weight, then The Goddess Revolution is your new handbook for life.
Imagine how much you would fall in love with your life again.
if you weren't so consumed by negative thoughts about food, your weight and your body.
Imagine if you could effortlessly find yourself at your perfect weight, in your perfect body and feel happier and freer around food than ever before.
Former actress and model Mel Wells struggled with her body image and had an unhealthy relationship with food for many years.
Realizing what a negative impact this was having on her health, her relationships, her work and pretty much all aspects of her life, Mel knew she had to heal.
She devised a unique method to transform her relationship with food and shares the techniques she's learned in this book.
Written with honesty and passion, The Goddess Revolution shows how it is possible to have a healthy,
satisfying and guilt-free relationship with our bodies without any dieting or strict regimes.
Tackling modern issues - including 'fitspiration' and the unrealistic strive for perfection caused by celebrity culture and magazine airbrushing -
Mel shows us how we can truly start to show our body the love it deserves, take back our power around food and, in return, feel better than ever.
Imagine how much you would fall in love with your life again.
if you weren't so consumed by negative thoughts about food, your weight and your body.
Imagine if you could effortlessly find yourself at your perfect weight, in your perfect body and feel happier and freer around food than ever before.
Former actress and model Mel Wells struggled with her body image and had an unhealthy relationship with food for many years.
Realizing what a negative impact this was having on her health, her relationships, her work and pretty much all aspects of her life, Mel knew she had to heal.
She devised a unique method to transform her relationship with food and shares the techniques she's learned in this book.
Written with honesty and passion, The Goddess Revolution shows how it is possible to have a healthy,
satisfying and guilt-free relationship with our bodies without any dieting or strict regimes.
Tackling modern issues - including 'fitspiration' and the unrealistic strive for perfection caused by celebrity culture and magazine airbrushing -
Mel shows us how we can truly start to show our body the love it deserves, take back our power around food and, in return, feel better than ever.
Kr 199,00 NOK