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Vane, 21 dager, fødselsdiagram, overflod, hensikt, glede, numerologi, Ruling Number, Number Pyramid, navnekraft., 21 Days to Master Numerology, Bøker, Intuisjon & selvutvikling
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21 Days to Master Numerology

It takes just 21 days to establish a new habit. Discover how to use your birth chart to find your true inner self and create a life full of abundance, purpose and joy.

Numerology is a practice that provides direct knowledge of the inner self through numerical information and your birth chart. It can help you to relate better to other people, become more emotionally and financially secure, maintain good health and live a thoroughly loving life. Above all, it can offer you a determined, successful and joyous course through life. In this in-depth, accessible guide, you’ll discover:

- what the numbers on your birth chart mean and how they can help influence your life for the better
- how to find your ultimate purpose with your Ruling Number
- how to set up and interpret a Number Pyramid in order to create a well-balanced life
- the numerological power and meaning of names and how to compile your Name Chart

This is the perfect introduction to a useful, insightful practice, now presented in a format that fits your life.

If there's a skill you've always wanted to learn, the answer is only a few weeks away with Hay House's 21 Days series.
Kr 249,00 NOK
Lev. Prodnr: - Id: 1950039301