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Reading Fortune Telling Cards: A Romani Approach, Bøker, Tarot
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Reading Fortune Telling Cards: A Romani Approach

Romani culture has long been associated with and admired for extraordinary fortune-telling skills. This first-of-its-kind book traces the development of the Romani cartomancy tradition. With illustrations from the Gypsy Witch® Fortune Telling Playing Cards, expert instruction is given on the fascinating method of reading the deck, which combines traditional card inserts with unique symbolic images. Meanings and keywords are given for each individual card as well as for various card combinations. Fabio Vinago also provides detailed instructions for simple and complex spreads, including the Grand Tableau. For all levels of readers this comprehensive book provides a wealth of information on the art of reading fortune telling cards.
Kr 289,00 NOK
Lev. Prodnr: BK247 - Id: 1950038788