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Findhorn - Transformation 25 ml spray
Flower Essence Spray
Change your ways and turn over a new leaf
+ patience and willingness to change and grow
+ adopt good health habits and life practices
+ persistence, strength and perseverance
- stuck in unhealthy patterns
- self-defeating and destructive behaviours
- cravings, addictions and dependencies
Transformation is made by combining flower essences of Apple, Grass of Parnassus, Globethistle, Iona Pennywort, Sea Pink, Stonecrop and Watercress. Instructions for use: Spray directly into the
Change your ways and turn over a new leaf
+ patience and willingness to change and grow
+ adopt good health habits and life practices
+ persistence, strength and perseverance
- stuck in unhealthy patterns
- self-defeating and destructive behaviours
- cravings, addictions and dependencies
Transformation is made by combining flower essences of Apple, Grass of Parnassus, Globethistle, Iona Pennywort, Sea Pink, Stonecrop and Watercress. Instructions for use: Spray directly into the
Kr 279,00 NOK